Looking Back at all we have accomplished and Looking Forward to an exciting new year of Religious Education
With a grateful heart I am happy to report that through the combined efforts of Father Neville, our Catechists, staff, ministries, parishioners, and community partners, we experienced a very successful year! Each year there has been a steady increase in the number of students enrolled in our program. In 2023-2024 we began the year with over one hundred children. We are comprised of a Pre-K through First Grade Early Faith Formation class, two elementary grade classes, a Middle School program and two High School groups including four Sacramental preparation classes.
This past year we purchased enough resources for all students in Grades Pre-K to Middle School, including Reconciliation and Eucharist preparation groups, to have their own books! Holy Rosary selected the Sadlier Religion program - Christ in Us, as a resource for delivering consistent lessons that reference the Catechism. These bilingual books and online portals have enriched our lesson planning and delivery. We use other resources as well especially when presenting Sacred scripture. The website USCCB.org is our go to reference guide.
A terrific addition to Holy Rosary has been the creation of a lively Parent’s Group. This group is led by Father Ken Templin, S.M. and Mrs. Leticia Acosta. The group also journeyed through Lent with Mr. Saul Polanco who facilitated the Marching with Mark series.
Student and family Sacrament retreats, a Middle School group monthly meeting and high school weekly meetings with Ms. Maranda enhanced the Sacrament preparation for our Year 2 and Grade 12 students. We celebrated eighteen First Communions, and ten Confirmations at separate Sunday Liturgy celebrations in May and June.
The year concluded with a Carnival themed Family Fun Day where Meyer Hall was filled to capacity with children and their families. Once again, parishoners and ministries made it an amazing celebration!
Looking Ahead to 2024- 2025
Registration for the 2024-2025 Program Year opens Sunday, August 18 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in the Church office.
Also this year we will offer parents an opportunity to access the Christ In Us portal, the Believe, Celebrate, and Live Reconciliation and Eucharist app, and a group messaging app.
We are working on a first and second year Confirmation curriculum that will be introduced this program year. The curriculum will provide continuity, sequence, and integration for our students \so that they can learn to know, love, and serve the Lord more deeply.
Finally, our Catechetical team members are what make the difference in our program. Catechists truly get to be Missionary Disciples! The rewards of working with children and families are reciprocal and long lasting. If any or all of this excites you and you would like to join our team, please call me today at 210-433-3241 or email Arangel@hrosary.com.
Ann Rangel Coordinator of Religious Education
Pre-K 4 - 5th grade Sundays 10:30am - 11:45 a.m. - School Area Families should plan on attending one of the weekend masses at either: 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. (Spanish mass) on Sundays or 12:00 p.m. on Sundays. Middle School and High School Students Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m - School Area HOLY ROSARY HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Wednesday Evenings at 6:30 p.m.
Contact person: Ann Rangel arangel@hrosary.com or call 210-433-3241 ext. 204